Black Bard Studios

Crafting Great Gaming!

Who are we?

We are a small group of gaming friends and family who love creating, crafting, and generally loosing our silly minds in tabletop gaming. We want to bring what we, and especially others, have created to the rest of the world, in the hopes that others can find it useful and enjoy it!

How did we get here?

Back in 2015, Morgan Rands crossed a gaming goal off of his bucket list: attend a gaming convention. While there, he contributed voice work at the Syrinscape booth. Thanks to the encouragement and friendship of those he met there, he opened his own vendor booth at the convention two years later. Today, a website. Tomorrow… who knows?

What are we trying to do?

While the Studio has a range of possible crafts and services too large to list here, our primary goal is simple: crafting great gaming! We know that time is precious, and sometimes its easier to buy the thing you want rather than make it yourself. No shame in that! And having come from empty wallet backgrounds ourselves, we will always try to keep prices low!