Black Bard Studios

Crafting Great Gaming!

Alright, LET'S DO THIS

Morgan Rands

Sometimes plans don’t go like you thought. I thought I would have more time to get this website going, fill out the listings, get it fancy, all that professional stuff. Thought we would get to go to a few conventions and make some new friends, see some old ones. But conventions are cancelled, socialization is distanced, and that is the right thing to do considering the situation. But that means I’m not going to see all those familiar and new faces.

So, you know what? To hell with fancy, to hell with fully functional. We are going live now. The world needs more fun right now, and if we can help that happen in any way, then LET’S DO THIS.

Until the Covid-19 situation settles down, here is what we are going to do. Black Bard Studios is going to offer a site-wide 20% off, and free shipping on orders over $50. Use the code GOODWILL2020 at checkout.

Be sure to support other crafters and writers out there; many are very financially impacted by the cancellation of conventions. If you do, let me know: I'll give discounts to those who make purchases from other RPG creators and artists. I’m still determining how within the limits of the website’s programming, but you can hold me to it.

Due to the incomplete state of our website we are going to be adding listings as fast as we can, but for the time being you can follow these links to see what we offer via our merchant licenses. If you see something you would like, send us an email through the Contact Us page.

Fat Dragon Games (Makers of some of the best 3d printed dungeon tiles around!)

Fat Dragon Community Content by Andrew Mills (Most notable, the forest and river terrain tiles!)

Medieval Scenery (Full buildings and props for an entire town!)

The Skyless Realms (Underdark and cavern themed terrain and minis from EC3D)

The Wilds of Wintertide (Arctic/ice themed terrain and minis from EC3D)

Empire of Scorching Sands (Desert themed terrain and minis from EC3D)

Stl Animal Companion Miniatures (Some great minis for animal compaions... and then some!)

We also have purchased the merchant rights for the following projects, but as the Kickstarters have not yet completed/distributed, we can’t actually make the items just yet. But for possible purchase planning purposes, here they are (we will announce when they are available!):
District 0012 (Fun and modular sci-fi terrain)

Sci-fi 3d Printable Terrain (More sci-fi terrain)

Skies of Sordane (Some incredible airships and miniatures!)

We have also carefully browsed sites such as Thingiverse for commercially allowed models (see our FAQ for more information on this). These are too numerous to list here, so you will unfortunately have to wait for us to populate product listings of these prints. That said, if you find a model on such a website that you would like printed, absolutely contact us! We are more than happy to print on demand at an excellent price compared to other maker-spaces.